Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
Ditch Impostor syndrome now!

Ok, so you’ve always wanted to sing, maybe you’ve been learning for a long time. Perhaps you’ve been writing, recording and performing for a while but for some reason you still refuse to call yourself a singer.
You just aren’t there yet, or you just aren’t good enough like that other artist that is killing it on the local scene or ripping up the charts.
But why?
Up to 82% of people face feelings of impostor phenomenon, struggling with the sense they haven’t earned what they’ve achieved and are a fraud. Astoundingly the extremity of the feeling gets even more the more successful you become at what you are doing! So ironically the higher up the ladder you climb, the more successes you experience, the worse the feeling can become.
Self-doubt can be normal. It’s human nature to wonder how you compare to others, especially in an industry like the music business, however, this phenomenon which is also referred to as experts as impostor phenomenon can do two major things for you.
In one instance, it may catalyze growth. You may want to explore your abilities further, get validation from professionals in the field and make sure you are as good as others are saying. I have a lot of clients who are phenomenal at what they do, sometimes they just need a bit of a tune up for their instrument and most importantly their confidence, and this can-do wonders for keeping impostor syndrome at bay.
So, in this instance, the syndrome can help you level up, and validate your success and achievements.
However, if left unattended it can grow into a bit of a monster, draining energy, affecting your performance or drive to apply for gigs, join bands, choirs or step into roles that you truly desrve.
How to overcome impostor syndrome.
Firstly, assess whether this is something you are struggling with. Be honest with yourself. Journal some doubts, without getting all down on yourself, look at it from an observational point of view. Did you not accept a role or somehow manage to miss an audition because you just knew you wouldn’t get the part? Do you feel like you are hiding a secret that you actually don’t know what you are doing, and they’ll all find out soon?! Have a listen to your thoughts. Put them on paper and see if they carry any weight.
Get validation from a professional and share your feelings with someone who is comfortable to do so with. If you want to be a singer, if you want to succeed in the industry talk to someone who is doing it. Find out what is missing from your path, fill in the gaps, learn the things you need to know. You may be lucky enough to find a mentor who can keep your confidence on track and make sure you aren’t’ faking it till you make it, but following a GENUINE JOURNEY OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT AS AN ARTIST.
Start to be ok with celebrating your successes! It’s not a game, its real life! If you hit a milestone or a big achievement, it’s for a reason. It’s not a fluke! You earned it! These don’t have to be massive; you don’t need a Grammy to validate your musical skills.
Musicians are inherent perfectionists. Let go, write a crappy song, hit some rough notes, explore your craft and build it honesty and with a genuine approach to do better.
Perfectionism and pretending to be something you are not will fuel the Imposter Syndrome.
Be kind to yourself. Back to the first point, 82% of people are with you! You aren’t alone. But how good would it feel if you truly believed in your talent.
Music and Fame. The syndrome LOVES this. If the success of your art is a direct result of how many likes you have on your social, of how many people come to your shows, of how much attention you are getting for your new song, you will feel this harshly.
You cannot depend on outside adoration to remove the syndrome. You must genuinely love what you are doing, creating and sharing.
If you believe what you are working on is worth sharing and that you enjoy creating it, you can calm the I.S monster! If what you create is genuinely enjoyed by others then that is fantastic, but don’t fall flat if you don’t get the same responses every time to what you are creating.
If one person loves your work GREAT. If that one person is you, then that’s even better.
Take this with you. You can calm the I.S monster:
If you have truly worked to get to where you are.
If you know you will continue to work to grow even more.
If your message and music is genuine and you are doing it for reasons other than approval of others or to make a quick buck.
If you come from a place of genuine creativity.
If you love what you are doing.
If you want to share what you are doing with others because it’s worth sharing.
If you want to keep it to yourself because you enjoyed creating it.
If you believe in what you do, you can let the syndrome go!
I hope this is helpful to you! Please let me know if you have any questions! I’d love to know how do you ditch imposter syndrome?